Tuesday, November 3, 2009

NDFA Endorsement

Sometimes it seems like it's been a long time since I decided to run for State Rep. At other times it seems like yesterday. After the high activity level of the past few weeks, it all seems like a blur.

First was the rush to finish petitioning, then readying them for Springfield, followed by filing them -- official count 1,617. Then came the week of waiting to see who else filed and yes, on Monday , but one can't run a campaign on hope only...

Last night another wait ended when Northside Democracy for America endorsed my candidacy. Thank you NDFA!

Now there's another week's wait to see if anyone files any objections to my petitions. I do know that Speaker of the House Mike Madigan's office got a copy of them so there is suspense in the air. Happily, those 1,617 signatures are very clean and very vetted and will most likely survive any and all challenges. Paying to defend the challenges means that your support is more important than ever. Click here to contribute.

Thanks for your support.

1 comment:

  1. Opponents always pull copies of the other guy's petitions, mainly to see who has been circulating and where.
